How Fireplace Decor Can Warm Up Your Home

Nothing makes your home feel more cozy than a beautiful fireplace. Whether your style is country, traditional, or modern, a fireplace helps your home feel warm and welcoming. 

Got an old chimney can't handle the heat? No problem! There are still plenty of ways to decorate and style a non-working fireplace. These decor ideas dress up the mantle and hearth without relying on fire, so the centerpiece of your living room can always look its best year-round. 

Check out our top 5 fireplace decor tips below!

Create a Theme

If you’re struggling to find the right decor for your fireplace, try coming up with a theme. 

You could create a vintage theme by decorating your fireplace mantel only with antique items, or you could do something as simple as using the same color throughout your decor. 

Creating a theme around the seasons and holidays can also be a great way to show off your fireplace and home decor.

Add Lighting

Just as proper kitchen lighting can dramatically change the look and feel of your home, adding lighting elements to your fireplace can enhance its features. 

For example, mood lighting can give your fireplace an even cozier look. Try decorating the mantel with candles or hanging two sconce lights on the wall above it. Accent lighting pointed at your fireplace is a great way to draw some extra attention as well. 

READ MORE: How to Properly Light Your Kitchen

Mantel Decor

Consider how your fireplace would look if it were split down the center. Would it look balanced? Your fireplace decor doesn’t have to be perfectly symmetrical, but finding a balance will help your display look organized and bring a feeling of calmness to the room. 

A seasonal assortment of fresh flowers brightens up any space, try adding seasonal bouquets to both ends of your mantel to give the room a systematic and balanced feel.

READ MORE: Fall Kitchen Decor Ideas

Get Creative with Art

Pieces of art can be huge statement pieces, or add a subtle elegance to your home.

You can hang up your favorite piece of art on the wall, or if it’s small enough, stand it on the shelf at an angle. 

For an eclectic look, place three or more smaller paintings on the shelf so they overlap. This will give your mantle more depth and help it stand out from the wall. 

Keep in mind, sometimes less is more when it comes to displaying art. Placing a single piece of art above your fireplace will always deliver a timeless look.

Don’t forget about your walls

The mantel shelf is a great place to add decorative items, but you can also draw attention to your fireplace by hanging a mirror, clock, or piece of artwork on the wall directly above the mantel. 

If you decide to go this route, decorate the shelf with pieces that complement your wall art, and complete the look. The last thing you want is a clash between your wall art and mantle decor. 

The stone installation experts at Stoneworx have over 50 years of experience installing custom kitchens, fireplaces, and decorative stone installations. 
Our team is happy to work with you and your designer to bring your custom fireplace installation design vision to life. Contact us today for a free estimate.
